14 October, 2006

Such a lovely day

P. (my son) went to his rugby training this morning, as he's been doing every Saturday, but today it was extra special because for the first time ever he went all by himself. I mean he actually got a lift in one of the coaches' car together with other 6 kids (big people's carrier).
At around 9:30 in the morning, he walked 3 blocks and waited outside the coach's flat together with the other kids until he was taken to to the club and he was back at around 1pm.
This is a first. One of those steps toward independence that every mum both dreads and dreams about.
It was about time for the little one to get more independent, he's almost 10 years old; and now I want him to be able to travel from school everyday as well, even though his school is a bus ride away and in the next village (and not a school bus but a local, public one).
I feel much more comfortable with this in Spain that I felt in England. Not sure why and even not sure if this corner of Spain is really more safe than the west-side of olde England. It's all about perception of the reality. In England children just don't go around by themselves, here they do and you can see them everywhere.

Also for the first time in a long time, "the husband" and yours truly had a long lazy, quiet week-end morning to spend in bed., mostly. Nice!

After we all three had lunch, we decided to have an impromptu visit to Barcelona's city centre. We took the bus instead of the tube and had a lovely half and hour ride there.
As usual, the ramblas in Barcelona were packed with tourist and locals, this been a long weekend here. It's always terribly busy but not in a hurry-hurry, frowning, hectic sort of way but in a leisurely strolling, touristic kind of mood.
It's such a beautiful city!
I wouldn't actually like to live in the centre of Barcelona, far too busy and crowded for a day-to-day life, it'd be like living in Disneyland! But I'm considering myself really lucky to be able to take a bus ride and being in the hub of everything. I started to enjoy this.

We find the cutest shop ever, they only sell hand-made chocolates and jolly good ones. We also founded a shop selling Argentinean stuff and we bought some biscuits we hadn't had in a long time.
Barcelona is full of one-of-a-kind, little shops, selling everything from key rings to sex toys but my absolutely favourites are shoe shops. Now they started to display boots of every kind imaginable and I find myself lusting aver them everywhere i go. Spain is one of the stronger shoe producers in Europa and is currently struggling to keep the industry afloat amid the entry of cheaper products from China. The shoes are wonderful, lovely design and you a big array of prices and styles. I can't wait until I earning enough money to buy myself a few. That'd be a treat! (there's a link on the top of this paragraph to a site showing more about the shopping experience in Barcelona).

Are you still intent on visit me here?
You did promise. Actually all my friends and even some acquintances did promise to visit me and I'm sure love to show off this place.

Glynnis, are you appling for your passport yet?


Anonymous said...

NO I haven't yet but I'm being nagged on many sides so I suppose I'd better get on and get one Love to you all Glynis x xxxx

KlaudjaB said...

Goog girl!!
I'm going to make sure to find out when is the best time of the year so you're not too hot or too cold.