21 October, 2006

Another interview

I've got a call asking me for another interview, this time for a full-time job as a bilingual secretary. I went and they did offered me the job but I turned it down. The salary is far too low for a full time job, at around 900€ is a low salary for local ststandards.
However, the experience of this interviews is a positive thing, it not only get me used to interviews but helps me knows exactly what I want, which is always a good thing.

In the domestic front we had a new milestone: my son is taking the bus and he's travelling home after school all alone. He loved the sense of independence and I was more anxious than he was during this first week. The pilot week went without a hitch but it'll take some time for me to stop worriyng.
As part of this new travelling, we bought him a mobile phone. I still think that children under 14 shouldn't have a mobile phone but we really need it in this case, obviously more for my peace of mind than anything else. P loves his phone and we made sure to tell him that is not a toy and that it's also part of his (incoming) birthday presents.

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