08 January, 2007

New job starting today

Later today I'm going to my first class with the new agency. One of my employers is going to be there with me, first to introduce me to the students and second and most importantly, to assess my teaching.
I'm terrified. I spend some time during the weekend preparing my class, revising the past simple tense and the material that Steve gave me on Friday but I'm scared. I really want to do a good job but maybe I'll be forever feeling inadequate and a bit of a fraud as a teacher. Well... at least I've been teaching for a few months by now.


Anonymous said...

I WOULD LOVE to have you as a teacher - you'll do a perfect job!

Anonymous said...

your blog is good so why are you worring your English is wonderful. Let's face it my Bristolian is good but my English needs work and I am English x x x x x Glynis

KlaudjaB said...


well.. if the kind hearted "natives" think that I'm good enough... who am I to argue?

however? remeber my horror at the "prick stick"??

Or my happy new "ear"!!!??