21 March, 2007

You've been... breathalised!

It happened recently when I was going to work and the police stop me and asked me to take the test. It was around 3pm, which here means just after lunch for most people. The idea is to catch those driver who had just finished lunch and taken a few glasses of wine with it, because the local perceived wisdom is that wine at lunch doesn't really count as drinking and driving.

Lunch here is a lengthy business and something that people take seriously. Most jobs actually close from 1pm to 4pm to allow people to go home, have lunch and rest a bit before going back to work until 8pm.
Most schools do the same and most children actually go home to have lunch and a siesta before doing the second half of the day. My son is one of the few who stays at his school for lunch and he enjoys 3 courses plus dessert and then he plays with the other "unfortunate" kids whose parents work full time. The menu is rather good and very healthy in a Mediterranean style, most days they start with salad or some sort of vegetables and always some fruit for dessert, always fresh seasonal products from the local market freshly cook (Jamie Oliver's idea of heaven). I think he has chips once a month or something like that. P enjoys the food (he's never been a picky eater) but he's looking forward to the next school year when he'd be able to go home for the siesta.

People who knows me, knows that I don't drink much alcohol anyway, so this was sort of police time being wasted on the teetotaler. In any case I didn't mind, it was my first, so it give me something to write here and I had plenty of time for my class (I'm almost always on time and is my students who keep me waiting because they cannot humanly understand the idea of starting the class on time... Spanish time is really at least 15 minutes behind any other normal idea of time). Whatever. My test was ok and they didn't even check on my driving licence!! With all the troubles I went to get it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Err you could ask P(me)
1.there are 8 people who take dinner as well
2.we have chips half your original estimate
3.2 courses but repeating is allueed
4.its soup first and dessert last is fruit
