09 December, 2007

Darwin died today

As usual I took him to the nearby park for his evening walk. There we meet a very young dog and they wanted to play so, very unwisely, I set Darwin and they were hapilly running all over the place. All of a sudden, Darwin darted away to the square opposite and crossed the road without looking and the other dog followed him.
In a total panick I run after them and i was running after them calling Darwin, ordering him to sit and wait for me. He was having a ball and was very checky, coming close to me and evading me at the last possible second.
Then he run back to the other square.
I saw that there was a car approaching and I just heard a loud and dry bump. The car stopped and when I arrived Darwin was lying there and there in a pool o blood and there was blood all over him. The driver was very upset when he saw Darwin and told me that he just didn't see him. It was all too fast, too close and it was very dark. It was not his fault.
I then picked Darwin up in my arms and his heart was still working, so I run with him to the nearest vet and banged on the door. They opened and took him away.
The vet came and asked me to go to another room and told me he was dead on arrival and there was nothing they could do.

I went back home to pick up the boys so we could say our goodbyes. The were totally devastated as I am.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Claudia. Don't blame yourself - dogs can be so unpredictable. Remeber the good times with him. Love Annette xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia - sorry I haven't been in touch for so long but I have been keeping up with your news on your blog. I had to just say I am so sorry about Darwin - life can be so cruel sometimes. Anyway I am thinking about you and hope you can find a way of coping with the next few weeks. You always used to make me smile even on the bad days!
I have had a weird few months but that's another story -will tell you another time.
Lots of love Deb (Black)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Darwin Claudia, you must all be devastated. He had a very happy few months with you all, which he wouldn't have had if you hadn't chosen him. lots of love Christa xxxx

KlaudjaB said...

A few lines of support do make a big difference in me and i appreciate it as i know we don't always have the time or the right words for writing.

I miss you all!