21 November, 2006

ooouch again!

This time is a sore tooth.
It's been sore for a while and I suspected that a filling felt off months ago and maybe a cavity but I did my best to ignore the problem and avoid thinking about it, wishing it'll go away on its own. Very mature attitude.

Anyway. I couldn't ignored it any longer, so, I called my friends and asked them to recommend me a good dentist and I went to visit him. He's a darling from Argentina (Argentinean dentist are considered here to be better trained that the Spanish ones) and his wife is his secretary and assistant at the same time. Family business.

As is the case in the UK, here you have to pay yourself for any dental treatment and it's not cheap. I've got a couple of cavities and he did treat one of them and we agree to do the next one next month. The treatment itself wasn't painful, but after the anaesthetic wore off it did hurt for a while but this morning I'm good again.

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