13 November, 2006

Driving around town

It's great to have a car once more. All this past few days I've been busy driving around and getting lost in a bigger scale than usual. Lovely. The best way to get to know a new place is just to get lost a few times.
The driving is getting there. I discarded the idea of taking some driving lessons after I learned that it cost 33 euros per hour. Gulp! It's cheaper to crash!! At least we're fully insured! Seriously, I drove before in Argentina so I can do it here, the Spaniards are bad drivers but not insane as most Argentines are.
So, we were driving around for hours lately. We take turns to drive and to be the navigator with the maps. We even took turns with the mad screaming, covering our eyes, swearing and so forth, much needed when driving here.
So far I stoped trying to get into the roundabouts clockwise, which is a relief. I'm still banging the door when trying to change gears and never know at first try where the mirrors are but things are better now.

The rule of thumb is to drive carefully, as in everywhere else in the world.
I still need to drive more and my parking skills are still totally atrocious but practice makes perfect so I just have to keep on trying until I get my confidence back.

Oh, and my little toe is not black and blue anymore, now it's a fashionable mauve and still hurting a bit, but it feels much better.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your driving is no worse than everyone else on the road. Is your toe broken and how did you treat it. Over here they just tell you to wear strong shoes and be careful love Glynis x x x

KlaudjaB said...

The same here. Unless you're a football player, of course.