09 November, 2006


This morning I banged the door with my foot while rushing around the flat getting ready to go out. It hurt a lot but I after a bit of heavy trilingual swearing I just had to keep on going, so I will myself not to care about it.

(The swearing went : English first, then Spanish and then the only rude word I learnt so far in Catalan "pet" = fart. Well... not really rude but you have to use whatever you have in times of needs).

My little toe kept on hurting all day long but I was busy so I couldn't stop and check it until later on the evening and by then the toe looked bad, totally black and it really, really, hurts when I try to move it. I think I broke the wretched thing.

I should go to the local GP first thing in the morning. but I'm not sure it's worthy... can they really encase the little toe in plaster?

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