04 February, 2007

Oath of honor

My Freecycle newsgroup is about to be authorized by the Freecycle people. They own the trade mark and, fair enough, don't want anybody using their name and idea for purposes other than recycling. So, they need to approve the international groups and their owners-moderator.
However, together with the info and FAQs they sent me an "oath of honor" (American spelling, not mine!). Americans are funny that way, in the UK people will puke at the touchy-feely, sentimental, cutie and quaint stuff.
Here it goes:

Oath of Honor

You are now ready for the oath of honor: [read after me]
I, (my name here), pledge to be a really nice and patient person when moderating our Freecycle group.

I promise to use the Freecycle name only for our noncommercial yahoo group.

I will remain open to input from members or the occasional democratic polling of your members, but will know when to make the tough calls and decisions in order to spare the rest the long debates.

With great honor I shall also keep spam, ads and money-makers out of our group with the "two strikes, you're out" rule.

And, finally, I shall come clean of my pack rat ways and clean out my own garage before asking the same of others.


KlaudjaB said...

PS: I just imagine Glynnis reading this oath with added "attitude" as the Americans say. Great!

Anonymous said...

Well you were right what a load of crap soooooooooo touchy feely makes you sick don't it love Glynis x x x x x