12 February, 2007

Can one fool oneself on porpuse?

I'm still not able to go an pay for the damn yoga thing!
It's stronger than me.
I have cash here and all ready but there's always something happening and I'm not joining.

Why am I procrastinating so much?

What's wrong with me?


Anonymous said...

If it was me, i knew what was wrong! I'd be too lazy! Thus I would think it too risky to pay such an amount of money on something that in the end i would not always attend due to above mentioned LAZINESS. So, be assured: there is nothing wrong with you!

Anonymous said...

you've always been the same. Why feel guilty when giving yourself a treat when you know if the son or husband asked for something you would give it. Silly girl love Glyn x x x

KlaudjaB said...

Well... I'm not sure if physical exersice is actually a treat...
I'm certaily lazy.
But I like to take care of my health and think nothing when I don't buy sweets or overly unhealthy things. So, WHY I'm not able to join yoga when I KNOW it'll be goo for me!!