(There's a tradition to give roses and a book on St. George's day here in Barcelona, so Valentines sort of compete with the local day of "lurve". However, there's many shop windows decorated with a Valentine's theme but nothing like St. George's.)
Others say that is a purely a commercial day, geared up to sell whatever seems romantic. And even some other people will embrace whatever just to have an excuse to party. So, this being Spain, loads of us are going out for dinner. Whatever. It's just nice to go out to eat here.

PS: No, so far in the day I still didn't go to yoga. Maybe I am lazy and knowing myself I'm not willing to pay €100 for just one class because I'm not going to go but once.
Now that you revealed to be influenced by laziness, maybe the situation should be tackled from another viewpoint - do not think, that by spending money on yourself you are taking away something from the boys, but by spending it for this kind of health-project it is actually GIVING something to them: a mum and wife more balanced in body and mind (or whatever yoga is supposed to do for you...).
love you!
I already tried that and is not working. I really don't know what do do with this anymore.
ask the husband to do it for you - send him to pay!
now, THAT's a new approach. I could send the husband to pay...
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