Mi list of excuses is as long as my arm, or better said as long as the diameter of my upper arms, whatever is the longest. The first and most used excuses is that the gym is always too far away, so I have to drive there, the second one is that I couldn't possibly leave my baby son home alone and the list goes on and on.
Now, however, the situation changed. There's a yoga place (How do you say that? yoga's gym doesn't sound right, not yoga parlour, although I like this one). Whatever, there's a sort of alternative centre just two steps from my building's front door and they do have yoga classes and all sort of alternative things such as acupuncture, chakra massages and so forth. Then, my son is 10 now, he's commuting to school, travelling 40 minutes by himself everyday and he can well stay home alone for an hour a day, so my excuses no longer work.
Of course, been an imaginative person, I created new excuses. I'm not earning enough yet, etc, etc, etc.
So, money is the issue now. I'm totally aware that is this sort of a mummy thing, meaning that I'm happy to spend money in whatever the guys need or even want but very stingy with myself. I totally know that is wrong but I can't help feeling guilty. Now I've got the money to pay to join the yoga classes but I kept on thinking that with that money I could pay swimming lessons for my son. So it feels like I'm taking something from him.
It's not that yoga is that expensive, as it costs €43 monthly for 2 classes per week, good value for money. But one has to cough up one upfront payment for membership and insurance and that takes the whole amount to nearly €100. And that's the problem, spending anything more than €20 on myself totally freaked me up.
Seeing things in black and white made them sound even more silly.
OK. Here's the deal: P's already going to rugby and that takes some of the family resources (time, driving, money, etc), so, I can invest some resources in yoga because my well being will be beneficial to the whole family as well as myself.
Sound good but, yeah.. still feeling guilty as hell.
Should I'd be able to go and join the yoga gym?
Found out tomorrow on this space.
Found out tomorrow on this space.
GO GO GO and enjoy yourself, you totally deserve it. It is also a way to meet new people. The family will benefit from you feeling more relaxed. Love from Christa & Glynis xxxxx
Mahanirvana, Kularnava, Kulasara, Prapanchasara, Tantraraja, Rudra Yamala, Brahma Yamala, Vishnu Yamala, and Todala Tantra are some of the important works you should read at the Yoga center. Good luck!
Swami Gaudama Siddartha Krishnanandaji Patxatanarta
i dont mind
p 11
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