Yesterday we went for a walk in downtown Barcelona. Just a stroll down the Rambla (the most loves street in Europe according to one survey in the Guardian), a stop for lunch at a local restaurant where I ate grilled cuttlefish, divine. I actually though that it was squid the first time I saw one but the taste is slightly different. Apparently they're more closely related to slugs and snails than fish or squid, a fact that fascinate my fact-finder son. If you ever see "sepia" on the menu, ask for it, just grilled with a dash of lemon, really delicious.
It still amazes me that we can take the train and in 45 minutes we're in the centre of such a beautiful town.
On our way back we stop at the ATM machine to get some cash ans we had quite a shock to find that we were out of money. Last time we checked we still had there all of our savings for P. that we're still deciding where to put. It was a nasty shock to see our account empty and that almost ruin a wonderful day. I could hardly sleep at all!
So, I've just had a tough Monday.
I'm starting to have more teaching hours and Mondays are by far my busiest day of the week. I start at 8am and you know that I'm most definitely not a morning person, so I truly struggle with my first class anyway, but today it was worse because I was itching to go to the bank and see were all my money was.
After my first class I just went straight to the bank to complain about the disappearance only to be told that all our money was transferred to a special account. It took a bit of time to find out that the very helpful but brainless new girl in the branch opened a special saving account for our money without our agreement!! I mean, she mentioned to me that there were a few accounts that were giving more interest but we wanted to place the money in some sort of a local ISA and we were still searching, and she though that she was doing us a favour.
I just wanted to kill her. She gave me a total fright.
The banks here are totally crazy and unpractical; on the one hand, when you open an account you have to ask to get a card, otherwise they're not giving you one; but then they do move your money as they please because they want to help you get some interest.
With that mystery solved I could carry on with my busy day. And god knows it was busy. On top of the classes I have to go from one side of the valley to the other and I do hate to use the motorway, as it stressed me a lot, but that's the only way to be on time to all my classes. So but the time I was going to my last class of the day I was pretty knackered and totally forgot that my boss was due to attend it!
Damn it!
I swear to god that I prepared today's class. That doesn't mean much because I'm an atheist but I did prepared it!!
I checked the grammar and made sure to know all there is to know about countable and uncountable nouns, there is vs there are, any and some, all inserted in the context of the workplace. Beautiful. I even had a few offices pictures so I could point to prompt my students to create sentences such as "there are 2 computers in that office". I even checked that my tape recorder's batteries were charged.
The class started smoothly, my students were (for the first time ever) on time and my boss was there sitting in a corner jotting away on his notebook. The intro went fine and I got the students to produce good enough sentences as we remember what we did in the previous class. Then I introduced the new subject and everything went fine until I started doing the grammar bit when I started to mumbled something or other... and soon enough I was talking utter nonsense and getting my students (and even I) totally confused. I totally panicked, couldn't explain the difference between any and some and finally went quiet, then I said, "ok, Steve, help me out here, please".
He did took it from me and with looked to me as terrific ease untangled the grammar knot I've made and I felt a total idiot. Then he handed the class back to me. I picked the pieces up and went on with the class as planed and he left soon after that.
As soon as he left I laugh the situation off and my students were totally supportive and said that nobody does his or her best when you have to do it. Funnily enough, the class went on smoothly after that. Of course!!
Now I feel like sending a text message to Steve saying: "do I have ANY job from now on?" then at least he'd known that I know how to use the wretched thing.
Back at home "the husband" was totally supportive as ever and he said that nobody would be as hard as I already am with my own performance;, he said that I take everything far too seriously and that all and every teacher has to learn the trade and mistakes are inevitable. He's a dear and I feel a lousy teacher.
Now I'm off to sleep. Luckyly tomorrow is a quiet day and I'd be ironing and shoping all day long. I do need a rest.
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