16 August, 2006

Fixed and gone out in a flash

The plumber/electrician managed to reach us today quite early. He saw the old heater and all but guffawed disdainfulyl as only a proud Spaniard can do. He changed the fuse and charged us 40 euros for the pleasure but announced it that it´s not going to last, that the thingy is on his last leg and that it had to replaced as soon as possible.

Sure enough, when 2 hours later my dad tried to have a shower the whole thing blew up again, no lights for a while and then no warm water.

I sent my son to have a cold shower amid accusations of child abuse and then even I was brave enough to have one myself. Not too bad a deal if you consider that there was a temperature of 28 degrees outside.

40 Euros for 10 minute of work??? Maybe I should consider taking a course on plumbing and changing careers.

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