Well... is far from perfect, especially because I started tatting this when I was too sad, depressed and unable to read after my beloved dog passed away, so my concentration wasn't brilliant anyway.
However, I'm pretty chaffed with my tablecloth as for the very first time I didn't copied from somebody elses' but made up my own designed as I was going along.

Here on the right you can see the whole thing and on the left a detail of a corner.
I've been tatting for years but this is the very first project that I can truly call mine from scratch. Now I started another one, this time the fabric circles are much smaller and I'm planing to add some coloured variegated green-yellow thread too so it'll be less plain.
Now I could invite you ladies for tea and use my very own tablecloth!!
Oh, that is so lovely! I can't wait to come to Barcelona to see it! (someday.... ;)
All I can say is WOW! It would be beyond beautiful if you had followed a pattern, but add in the fact that it is your design also, and . . . WOW!
Congratulations on designing your own tablecloth and finishing it. Now if you are going to serve the Ladies tea what are you going to serve the Gentlemen tatters?
really beautiful pieces
Thank you all!
For the gentlemen tatters I can always serve cava, the local champagne!!
What a beautiful tablecloth. You are so tatlented...oh, wait I just maid up a new word...ha ha ha. You really designed that yourself? WOW! I want to come to tea.
I understand the not being able to read when you're sad...I'm the same way.
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