This morning we went with to the local championship in the lovely seaside town of Tarragona, a bit south of here, more or less 2 hours drive away. The weather was great, it started a bit chilly in the morning but it was so sunny that it got increasingly warm until we ended up in t-shirts. However, it was never uncomfortable because of the sea breeze. A lovely day for the kids to play and for us to spend outside. What a world of difference from rainy and muddy Bristol's rugby!
And play they did! They were a sight to behold, (well... I am an over-th

The kids really fought for it and they play as a team instead of fighting between them for the ball as sometimes they do.
It was a great day out and I know I'm going to have a raspy voice all week long now, I couldn't stop cheering up! (luckily for me, my son's still in that age when he's not embarrassed by a over enthusiastic , Banshee-screaming, pom-pom waving mum).
Of course, even the catering food was good. The kids ate for free and the parents payed only €6 for a meal ticket that included 2 choices of salad and 4 choices of barbecue (local Catalan butifarra sausage, standard sausage, chorizo criollo - Argentinean style! - or beef burger) plus 1 drink (soft drink or beer) and dessert (ice-cream). All yummy, of course.
We're still elated by the victory and as dirty as we could be, after all that seating on the floor and jumping around, plus with very red noses as I didn't realise that we need sun cream even though is early March.Oh, what a perfect day!
Patxi is loosing weight! all that rugby is working. It also looks like a lot of fun. Bravo!
Well, he's just 1kg less than when we were at Bristol last year, but he's taller now, so all the exercise is paying off. And yes!! he enjoyed it so much!
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