Sunday was such a lovely sunny day that we decided to go out to the beach. It was a bit windy and the water was cold for our taste; think Cornwall in July, great for any Brit, too cold for spoiled us. However, it was great to just lay down there, under a lovely warm sun and watch the kite surfers in their wetsuits. There were loads of them, as the weather is nice, sunny and windy and the beaches are still empty of swimmers and sunbathers.
(The picture here is not mine, it's just to show what kite surfing is for those who don't know. I'll download mine as soon as i have some time)
After a couple of hours we went an visit some friends and had a good time chatting and drinking mate.
As a family we had a big discussion yesterday. In the UK was mothering Sunday, so I told the guys that I expected a present. Then "the husband" realised that here in Spain father's day is on the 19th of March (St. Joseph's day), so he should be the one getting the presents. At the centre of my argument was the fact that we're having a British calendar in the kitchen, so it's easier to see the days there. "The husband" think that we should follow whatever the rest of the country where we're living does. Then I argue that in any case St. Joseph shouldn't be father's day as he's not Jesus' dad anyway, but we're not believers anyway so that was totally dismissed.
The final decision was, of course, P's because he's, after all the only Englishman in the family, and the only son anyway. he decided that it was father's day that we should celebrate because he already made a present for his dad at school. He's very down-to-earth and practical, our little one.
In any case, it doesn't really mattered because we all went to a lovely restaurant and order whatever we fancied and we all had a lovely day, which is the whole point of it, isn't it? to celebrate family.
However, I still want a new MP3 player for the next whatever celebration. OK?
ah no mijita, el dia de la madre es fue y sera el tercer domingo de octubre, cuando se hace la comunion y ya a un pasito de que se terminen las clases.. imaginarme otro dia de la madre es imposible todavia para mí.
te mando un beso.
lindo lindo el blog
Gracias, Male!
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