18 January, 2007

A word of caution

If and when in this area of Spain, beware of local cakes, they do taste divine but the locals have a penchant for hiding little trinkets inside the cake and tradition say that whoever find them will have good luck. That's pretty good, cute and quaint when you know that there's something hidden and you are looking for it in every mouthful.
When you don't know about this and you go on eating as if there's no tomorrow, you risk breaking a tooth or, like "the husband" here, almost choke to death with a, in this case, a little plastic yellow duck. After P. had to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on his dad, we recon that "the husband" was pretty lucky not to die anyway thus confirming the tradition.


KlaudjaB said...

"The husband" asked me to add a disclaimer here that there's a LOT of poetic licence in my writing and that his life was never in any danger and that P. never actually had to perform the Heimlich manouvre.
He said that either I add this disclaimer or he'll sue me! (another exageration on his part, not doubt)

Anonymous said...

i had never heard of that kind of lifesaving-manouvre before your blog, looked it up at wikipedia and discussed it with a friend of mine who is a paediatric nurse and physiotherapist. She told me that this manouvre is outdated - at least here. What about other countries? By the way, the adverb heimlich means secretly - i do not suppose, however, that there is any connection in meaning - surely it can not be done in secret :)
anja (fervent reader of your blogs)