Well... Today I'm having one of those days.
It started earlier in the morning, I don't have any class today, so I stay latter that usual yesterday thinking that I could stay in bed until late. Wrong. "The husband" couldn't find the car keys and he woke me up shouting from the kitchen as if the house was on fire. For a moment I thought that the house was on fire or something... whatever, but something happened. While i was still trying to get my brain to work, he shouted back saying that he had no time so he was getting the extra set of keys.
Why didn't he do that on the first place and let me sleep?
Then, of course, I couldn't get back to sleep.
After breakfast I decided to prepare my classes for the rest of the week after checking my mails. I was in the computer for an hour or so, surfing for podcast and writing my lessons when it freezed. I'm not used to this because I don't use windows and my new operative system (Linux) is, usually, much more reliable, so I freaked out but nothing I did helped and I lost everything and the modem was disconnected, so I called "the husband" to ask how to connect everything again, he was busy so I lost another hour.
I re-booted the PC and started working again, another hour passed and it was then when the electricity went out! It was ever so briefly but it did mean that the computer got disconnected and re-booted itself and, again, I lost everything.
With a sight and some curses I decided to take a break. Went to kitchen, open the fridge and chose to have a yogurt. When I was trying to remove one from a pack of two, the one that I wasn't holding just went down and crashed on the floor. Did I mentioned that it was a glass pot? Yes? Well... not only there was yogurt all over the floor but pieces of glass too.
I cleaned and hoovered the mess and when I was picking up one little piece, yes, I've got myself cut with another one that I haven't seen. Yes... then I was bleeding.
But it get worse... what's the first thing you do when your finger hurts and it's bleeding? Yep. I did suck it without thinking, just an automatic response. And yes, there was a tiny piece still in the cut and I hurt my tongue!!!! Whatever so slightly and it wasn't bleeding but at that time I felt so stupid!
Ever the optimist, I though that well... at least it was not any of my typing fingers!!
A few hours went by without any incident and I decided to go back to the computer and my MP3 player c

I had it for nearly 2 years now and it's the one thing that I'm totally addicted to and the thing that I carry with me at all times together with my glasses. Whatever I am and whenever I have a minute I use it. I listen to the local radio, music, books, news, motivational tapes, assorted podcast from all over the world, I even have a couple of hypnotic relaxation and healing tapes for when I'm not feeling very well. I just can't function properly without my MP3 player.
Now I feel truly terrible. How shallow is that? I don't care!!!
I even have a headache now and cannot hear my healing tape!!
1 comment:
Have you got the MP3 player fixed now? Love Christa xxx
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