This is me, holding Melissa and trying hard to befriend her... the poor thing cried every time I tried to hold her!
Is a picture taken during the weekend in the farm in the south-west of England. As I said before, the sun was really, and incredibly, shinning and all was green and beautiful but still very, very, wet. Mind you the thing behind me is a natural pond and not part of the floods!
Please note the Glastonbury's touch of my tiger Wellies, borrowed from Rossana, as is the top, most other clothes were kindly lend to me by Esmeralda. Thank ladies! The hair, accessories and make-up (as if!) are my own.
The hair may be totally white now, but at least I'm trying not to put on wight despite the many temptations to be found in Barcelona.
The picture was kindly send to me by Lili, who took it. I really appreciated it because we don't have any other picture of the event as our camera was in the lost suitcase.
Claudia, estas igual que siempre. Linda! Yo estoy peor que nunca con mi inglés. He hecho un delete de casi todo mi inglés, me he dado cuenta tratando de poner un comentario en ingles y ponia los verbos con declinaciones alemanas. Te mando un beso.
JA!! Y cómo va tu portugués?
A veces en el cerebro solo haylugar para dos idiomas!
Ay! Claudia... Me mato el tema del inglés..., hablo y entiendo muy superficialmente el francés.
Pero el ingles, nada de nada.
Voy a usar el traductor de google. Ya te vas a enterar.
Nunca viene mal aprender otro idioma, Ju, de todos modos, gracias por la visita!!
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