A "fancy " farm as I described it once, to my former colleague Glinnys' amussement, amusement, because it's not a working farm in the traditional sense. My dear friend Martin, the owner, works a lot and he does it there in the farm, in fact he's the one and only workaholic I personally know, but he work in computers and cannot be described as a farmer by any stretch of the imagination even when sometimes he looks like one.
Anyway.... Last year I promised that I would try and organise the party from here and that we'd all go back and, hopefully, will gloat about living in the sun.
We arranged the date well in advance and the time has come to do the do. (oh, I love the English language but really most of my puns are unintentional).
The date is the last weekend of July. As usual, we're going to have a buffet meal on Saturday evening, followed by a ball (mainly Latin American music) until we're all tired, there's usually a nice bonfire in one corner of the farm, where people sit, chat and drink mate until even later. Then on Sunday we have a great barbecue, South American style (you have to see and try this to believe it). At the end of the day we all share the cost, so it's not a big expensive deal for anybody and a great

We take our tents so we can go stright to sleep after all the dancing and nobody needs to worry about driving.
There's usually plenty of children playing together somewhere, the place is big and pretty safe so they can go amok and nobody notices it. And it's great to be able to catch up with old friends and meet new ones, because every year there's some new people.
We always have a few marquees, just in case, although we only really needed them twice, once because it rained (but we keep on dancing, so nobody really noticed it) and the other time to cover us from the sun, believe it or not.
We already bought our (easyjet) tickets and will be in Bristol from Saturday 28th to Tuesday 31th.
This is a sort of invitation, you can go the whole weekend (highly recommended) or just one day. Thinik about it, contact me and I'll send you more details, such as a map.
I'd love to meet with the ladies at the library now that I'm droping in Bristol, so maybe we could organise to go for lunch on Monday 30th to the pub near the library in Filton? I'll ask them.
At least I'm going to drop by to see who's there on Monday. How nice to see the old place!
mmm... maybe I can even convince them to let me borrow some books as I'm starving for new stuff, specially on CDs.
1 comment:
looking forward to seeing you babe love Glynis x x x x
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