My dad is doing a lovely job and my balcony now has loads of plants and flowers, even a small perfumed Jasmine, and even some tomatoes! Not a proper garden, but a bit of green is always nice. He and "the husband" were busy trying to figure out a device for watering the plants while we're out during our holiday. They did create a complicated looking system that, in theory, will keep the plants moist until we're back. Let's hope it'll work fine.
Also my dad is getting ready to go to France. He's going to stay with our french family there and I can only hope that he'll be careful not too eat too much cheese.
I was wrapping some classes and writing loads of reports and courses plans for next year classes. I've told my boss that want to work around 30 hs a week staring in September. I want to be able to save enough money next year to go to one of my dreams destination: Petra in Jordan, maybe a camel ride to reach the place? That takes at least 3 days of riding camels and sleeping in tents in the desert, so it's a sort of orga

I'm also trying to keep our son amused and entertained in a more physical way because he's enjoying his holidays a lot but he spends far too much time watching TV or playing with his PlayStation. So I try to take him at least 3 times a week to the local swimming pool or the sea, where he does a lot of exercise. The local pool is really great,big enough for 3,000 people and with plenty of room to do whatever, swim, slide down on any of the big slides, play with inflatable toys, have a picnic, go to the cafe or just relax under s tree. That's what I do, I take my book, some nice and cool coca-cola and my very comfy beach mat (Ikea-designed, you can see it

On top of all that I'm organising a barbecue in England... this weekend... in the middle of one of the worst rainfall ever... I'm really worried. But as I bough my tickets, there's no way we're cancelling, so... think Glastonbury!! Fun in the mud! (wish me luck)
I order my Harry Potter book ages ago, and amazon said that they send it on Saturday but hasn't arrive yet. If this doesn't come until tomorrow, I'll buy one in Bristol anyway.
"The husband" also was busy trying to wrap up some projects he's been working on before the dead month of August.
So, starting tomorrow I'm going to take a break from this blog until we're back on the 11 of August. I'll try to write an entry about the weekend party and to include some pictures, before going to the camoping on the 1 of August, but I don't promise enything as I really need a rest away frommy desk.
See you soon and enjoy whatever the weather brings you!