This weekend is longish that usual due to the fact that this year Worker's day, 1st of May, falls on a Tuesday next week, so most people here do what they call puente (bridge) and they take Monday off to neatly create a longer weekend. Nice concept, isn't it?
Today my bottom hurts! It's not only getting bigger and bigger but now all this sedentary life is taking its toll and now it literally hurts. It's not only the driving everywhere and the time spent in the classroom, but the preparations and even the relaxing time mean that my bottom in on a chair. After cooking dinner (since the chicken head affair we've been more or less vegetarians around here) there's nothing more relaxing than sitting down in our lovely oversize sofa and tat while watching mindless tv or listen to music or radio.
I should be doing something. "The husband" suggested that we go to a club to play whatever the days we take P. to rugby, Tuesdays and Saturdays. But on Tuesday I leave P. at the club entrance and rush off to the Bank to give a class until 8:30pm and by the time I go back to the club, his rugby practice is almost over. I should go to Yoga classes (don't let me start on that again!!) or join a club or take dancing lessons or something!! I can feel my bottom

Dali's museum in Figueras, the town were he was born, is in Cataluyna, just a few km away from here. He's also buried there with Gala, his wife and the most painted woman in history. I've been there ages ago and I plan to take P. to visit it sometime in the summer.
My friend Barbara brought and gave me a whole bunch of lovely white cotton thread that I'm slowly turning into a tablecloth. I'm tatting 6 points snowflakes-like m

It's my most ambitious project ever as I'm planning to make it big enough to cover my dinner table. I think is coming up nicely and it looks quite beautiful. If I ever finish it I'd have to place a glass on top of it so it wont get dirty.
Tatting help me to relax, and I love to see that I've done something while I was mindlessly watching some silly sitcom on tv. It's like my time is not wasted.
i admire you for many things, NOT most importantly, but still A LOT for your (witch)craft: i'm too pragmatic to give up the first prize to tatting - it does go to knitted socks :) BUT the decorations and especially the unbelievable baby-shoes are very much appreciated around here - i love the picture!
I don't know anything to do with thread and needles, fortunetaly my mother loves to knit (...relaxation in front of silly soaps... same as you...) - i am surrounded by artists! Lucky me!
YOU ARE an artist!! I do still have a lovely picture of cheery sunflowers hanging in muy kitchen. For me this are worth more that the ones that the old man witout an ear painted ages ago. What was his name? Vincent Something-or-other.
I'm good at whichcraft and knitting but i cannot draw to win pictionary!
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