Well... I knew that I had to buy something but I just couldn't think of anything for the guys nor find the time to do it. Luckily, "the husband" is a total dear and he bought a present for us. For P. he bought a Viking ship so he can make it himself, a total hit; for me he order and bought a wooden, hand made, double barrelled, absolutely gorgeous tatting shuttle that arrived from Scotland sometime ago.
All those month on his own really made his heart grew fonder!
I was busy mainly with work as I was finishing my classes for the year, preparing my student's assessment and, of course, trying to get something done in the new flat.

Ages ago I befriended (by e-mail) a family from my home town (Tucuman) in Argentina and they invited us to spend Christmas' eve with them and a bunch of their friends (mostly expats from Argentina). They hired a local community hall and everybody bought something to eat and drinks. It was very much the sort of things that we do in Argentina for Christmas, we celebrate it by having dinner with family and friends, so we felt right at home then and there.
They were really kind and friendly and we met a lovely group of people. Of course, there was music and we danced and had a brilliant time until 3am. "The husband" was very pleased that I have my driving licence so he was able to drink without worrying about going back home.
I was doing that sort of things in Bristol, I was forever organizing things to allow people that were new in town to get to know others and have a good time in a new city or even a new country.
So this party felt just as good karma. All that one do upon others will came back in this life and it was a bit of pay-off time for me and just on time. I didn't realize how deep how badly I was missing all my friends in Bristol until I got a deep sight of relief when I met people that I could be friends with in no time.
The next day we all met again to eat the leftovers from the night before plus a great barbecue with Argentinean meat.
Merry Christmas to you all.
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