08 November, 2006

oh! Look at that doggie in the window!!

There's a pet shop just around the corner from us and almost every time I pass by it I can't help to stop and look at the puppies they have for sale.

They keep on selling the puppies and having new ones, so there's endless entertaining and I always want to take one home.

So far I'm in love with a Beagle, who is the most serious looking dog in the shop, she's the cutest thing ever but at €650 is way out of my budget. "The husband"s favourite is even more expensive at a whooping €1100 and really the ugliest dog I've ever seen... although "the husband" with that funny logic of his said that it's so ugly is cute again, full circle of beauty. I wonder if he started to like the English bulldog because of the price tag and not despise of it as he claims.

They also have a Persian kitten, a ball of fur that cost €300 even when it doesn't have any papers or pedigree whatsoever.

Of course, P, my son, ever the rational and responsible one in the family, keeps on telling me that it's not good to have pets in flats, that even the idea is cruel to the animals and that they need to be taken out for walks and we're as lazy as it could be.
That and the price tag are the only thing stopping me buying one.

Am I really such a selfish cow for wanting a pet to cuddle?
Shall I check local animal refuges for puppies? They'll be free of charge and probably neutered as well.


Anonymous said...

you know P is right. You will have to get up early in the morning so the dog can pee,living in a flat is not the same as a house with a garden. Puppies are hard work they have to go out every two hours or so or the flat will smell like a toilet.Never mind babe you can always buy a fluffy dog toy to cuddle or of course you could cuddle the husband Glynis x x x

KlaudjaB said...

If I can cacht the husband!! He's terribly busy lately.