03 October, 2006

Girls!!! (and two boys)

I´m so moved that you all took the time to write to me either in the comments part o this blog or privately!! It really cheers me up!

We still don´t have a telephone line at home, let alone access to the net, so I´m writing at the local library and not as often as I´d like or or as long because I can only use the PCs or an hour a day.
The local and only (it´s a monopòly) "Telefonica de España" is total crap, we asked for a phone on the 3rd of September, some sweet but clueless guy installed but we´re still waiting for the phone to work!!! And we cannot ask another company to do it!! I never though that I have something nice to say about neoliberalism, but monopolies are as bad as it gets. You´ve no idea how lucky you are in the UK.

I was really low and as it happens in these cases, I catched some bug and was in bed or a couple of days. I still can´t talk properly although "the husband" said that he likes the new husky voice.

We decided to place an offer for our second choice flat, not as nice but quite good. The point is that we can keep on looking forever and never being completely please, the perfect flat doesn´t exist and we´re loosing money waiting.

So, twist your fingers for me!! (you know what I mean!)

We sold our car in Bristol to a friend of a friend and I´m looking for one to buy. I´d really like a smart or a beatle. We´ll see.


Anonymous said...

I thought you wanted a Daewoo like the one you sold to a friend of a friend... Menos mal que eres medio bruja, asi que lo más probable es que termines "pichinchando" el depto y el auto al mismo pastor evangelista que se va a salvar las almas sidóticas de los pobres negros del África!! Good luck!

KlaudjaB said...

I do liked the old Dewoo, but the Smart is the car of my dreams and the Beatle has my heart just because it's cute.
Altough just for purely practical reasons, I thik we should go for a Seat, just because they're made here and thus are easier to repair.